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Anaesthesia Systems for Rodents

Maintenance and service anesthetic vaporizer

For 25 years we have been recognized as a specialist company for maintenance and repairs on anesthetic vaporizers in human medicine - quality and safety without compromise. Our specially equipped service workshop with the necessary precision instruments for the calibration as well as personnel specially trained by one of the manufacturers are a guarantee for the reliability and safety of your serviced anesthetic vaporizers. We offer this service for all current series.

Deposits in the flow channels lead to deviations in concentration. This applies in particular to the Datex-Ohmeda Tec3 to Tec5 series. That is why the necessary major overhaul for Tec3 and Tec4 (annually) and Tec5 (every 3 years) is important for the safety in continuous operation of these series. After maintenance, the anesthetic vaporizers are checked and recalibrated under different temperature and flow conditions with an interferometer.
After dismantling - visual inspection of the rotary valve
Why another maintenance at the STK?
Some series require higher maintenance costs for technical reasons in order to restore the safety standard after a long period of operation. This is because various anesthetic vaporizers are equipped with components that are more susceptible to wear than others. During maintenance, the affected devices are dismantled, among other things, deposits removed, wick material and seals replaced and recalibrated. For this reason, a major overhaul of the affected series is required for the annual STK on all evaporators. Newer series can also
after prolonged use and possible defects or deviations in the anesthetic concentration can only be repaired with professional maintenance and calibration.

Final check and calibration of the anesthetic vaporizer
Trained for this by a renowned manufacturer
S tate special permit for maintenance and repairs on anesthetic vaporizers
According to MPBetreibV and manufacturer specifications
Original spare parts
Loan devices and maintenance exchange service


Maintenance on laboratory anesthesia machines
The table anesthesia machines for laboratory animals must also be serviced according to the manufacturer's instructions because of the built-in anesthetic vaporizer. In our many years of practice, an interval of 2 years has proven to be appropriate in terms of safety for all series. Maintenance can also be carried out on site,
UV 17000 maintenance of table anesthesia machines
Dismantling, visual inspections
Renew wearing parts
Removal of deposits
Assembly and leak test
Calibration, STK, according to MPBetreibV §
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